Educational guide 
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture (2010)
Introductory activities 1. Introduction to the course. Description of the forms of work and evaluation. Presentation of the program of topics.

2. Verification of the knowledge of students in relation to topics related to the subject (test and short questions).

3. Development of an exercise where they apply basic concepts.
Self-monitoring activities
Reading of notes, self-knowledge test-type exercises and site visit reports that students will use individually to complete their portfolio.
Lecture Session where the teacher will present the syllabus of the subject, as well as the sources of information related to the content to be developed.
Problem solving, exercises
In class, after the master session, an exercise related to the session will be solved.
Collaborative work
In it collaborative work will apply all the knowledge developed in the classroom. This time the student will develop the work in collaboration with a working group
Field work
Classes will be completed in the follow-up of actual works
Personal attention Attention to the students in non-teaching hours to solve any doubt in relation to the subject.