Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design (2013)
  Description Weight
Lecture Active participation in class.

The participation in the debates will be considered.
Debates The knowledges learned will be considered through the answers to the questions proposed in presentations an expositions. 20%

Presentations / oral communications The contents and the appearance of the presentation will be considered. 10%
Extended-answer tests The knowledges learned about nanocatalysis 60%
Other comments and second exam session

During the exams, any mobil telephone, tablet or other device that has not been expressly authorized for the exam must be switched off and out of view.

Any attempt to pass any exam of any subject by fraudulent means (be this physical or electronic) will result in the student being awarded a fail for the exam in question. In addition to this, the gravity of the offence may lead the faculty/school to propose that the student be subjected to disciplinary proceedings, which will be initiated by a resolution from the rector.

The exams will be held in person. In case of lockdown or mobility restrictions caused by the Covid-19 health emergency, the assessment activities, including exams, would be done online on the scheduled dates. Updated information can be found on Moodle (virtual teaching space).

Assessment activities must be planned in order to be carried out in a mixed or online mode in the event of lockdown.