Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 

Study programmes

Double degree in Biotechnology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2014
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (2009)
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (english) (2017)

Master's degree
Sustainable Catalysis (Erasmus Mundus) (2021)
Forensic Genetics, Physics and Chemistry (2017)
Nutrition and Metabolism (2012)
Synthesis, Catalysis and Molecular Design (2013)
Applied Chromatographic Techniques (2010)

Attention: The Interuniversity Council of Catalonia has decided to extend the exceptional period for the Catalan university system until the end of the 2021-22 academic year. This means that the URV can make changes to the way it teaches and assesses its courses to adapt them to current circumstances and the indications of the health authorities. If any such changes are necessary, they will be communicated via the Moodle area of each subject.

To find out how your course will be taught, we recommend that you read the section "TEACHING FOR THE 2021-22 ACADEMIC YEAR ADAPTED TO COVID"

Mobility programmes

The students can participate in the different mobillity programmes that already exist.

You can find more information in the following page:
