Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Biomedical Data Science (2022)
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction and basic tools Environment for scientific computing. Introduction to Operating Systems and unix shell. Code management, collaborative coding, revision control and documentation. Application deployment and OS-level virtualization through containerization
Statistical Programming and tidy data Introduction to statistical programming. Introduction to R. Data management in R. Advanced data manipulation, R programming with tidyverse.
Tools for visualization Statistical Visualization. Grammar-based visualization and reactive visualization.
Introduction to functional programming and high performance programming. Introduction to functional programming for scientific computation. Introduction to python. Introduction to numerical calculus through Numpy. Introduction to Scientific Python (SciPy). Introduction to Pandas. Data visualization, Grammar-based visualization and reactive visualization in python.
Application challenges Application challenges. Creation and analysis of biomedical data dashboards. Introduction to multivariate data, and application to EDA, introduction to dimensionality reduction techniques.