Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 

Study programmes

Double degree in Biomedical and Telecommunication Engineering (2019)
Double degree in Electrical Engineering/Electro., Ind. and Automatic (2014)
Double degree in Business Admin. and Manag. and Tech. for Developing Web...
Double degree in Biotechnology and Computer Engineering (2014)
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Bach. Degree in Telecommunication Systems and Services Engineering (2016)
Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering (2010)
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automation Engineering (2010)
Bachelor's Degree in Computer engineering (2010)
Degree in Mathematical and Physical Engineering (2021)
Bac. Degree in Techniques for Developing Web and Mobiles Applications(2018)

Master's degree
Biomedical Data Science (2022)
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016)
Computer Security Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (2016) - Online
Computational Engineering and Mathematics (2013)
Industrial Engineering (2013)
Artificial Intelligence (2012)
Electric Vehicle Technologies (2018)

Computer Services


The Computer Service is the organizational unit in charge of providing the University with general computer services and, in particular, services for teaching and the internal management of the ETSE.

Summary of Teaching Services

All students who matriculate on one of the study programmes taught at ETSE receive a user account, online disk space and an e-mail address, which will be valid throughout their university studies.

ETSE provides its students with more than 200 computers, Sunray workstations, in several computer rooms attended by technical staff. Students can work with a range of operating systems, connect to the Unix server, use the programs that have been installed for teaching purposes, print and draw with a plotter. Should they wish to do so, they can also go on-line at home and do their practicals without having to come to the University.

In order to be able to use the computers, students must identify themselves with their user codes.

Students can use their user code to access a variety of services (FTP, WWW, file servers and public folders), which provide them with programs, manuals and all sorts of information necessary for their studies.

Likewise, they can be e-mailed information about issues of interest to them.

Generating student accounts

 Once students have completed their matriculation, they are part of the URV database. From this point on, the subjects that a student has matriculated in are known, so they can be registered on the computers and other services.

Security copies of the cancelled accounts

When the accounts of a server are cancelled, two security copies are made on tape of the files it contains and the accounts are removed from the disc. Former students have the right to request a copy of their files from the Computer Service.

 File servers and security copies 

All students have space assigned on the disc of the Teaching file server, which can be accessed from a PC and also from UNIX, where they can create and edit files.

To guarantee the security of the data, once a week a copy is made on tape. Any student who for any reason loses a file, can ask for the last saved version to be recovered.


To make it easier for students to communicate with any other member of the university environment, they are all provided with an e-mail account, which they can also use to communicate with any other person connected to the Net. Students are assumed to be sufficiently mature to make responsible use of this service.

Because of the characteristics of the students and the infrastructure available, the most suitable way of managing the students' e-mail is the web interface through the address http://estudiants.urv.es

At this URL you can find the regulations governing the use of this service.

Distribution lists for teaching

To make it easier to send information to groups of students, several e-mail lists have been created, for courses and for subjects.

Regulations for Computer Services

The users of computer equipment at the ETSE must promise to respect the following regulations:

Should these regulations not be respected, students may find temporary or definitive restrictions on their use of the systems.

On the other hand, computer users have the following rights:

They have the right for the information contained in their account to remain private.

They also have the right not to be monitored except in those cases that the person in charge of university security should consider it to be necessary.