Educational guide 
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine (2009)
Introductory activities The subject will be presented in the classroom. The language of instruction of the subject will be Catalan and Spanish.
Laboratory practicals Practical work will be carried out on the special Optical Microscopes in the Faculty of Medicine and on the Electron Microscopes: transmission and environmental scanning, as well as with the Confocal Fluorescent Microscope and the Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) located at the Scientific and Technical Resources Services of the University, at the Sescelades Campus in Tarragona.

Laboratory practical 1. Use and handling of the different types of special optical microscopes.

Laboratory practical 2. Introduction to electron microscopy: Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy.

Laboratory practical 3. Preparation and observation of samples by electron microscopy. Observation of samples using fluorescent confocal and atomic force microscopes.

The laboratory practical’s will be carried out in Catalan and Spanish.
Presentations / oral communications In order to give a practical view of the applications of the techniques explained in biomedicine, the students will have to give a 15–20-minute presentation (Power Point presentation) of a paper published in a scientific journal in English in groups of 3. These publications are selected by the students under the supervision of the teacher.

The sessions will take place in class and the language used by each speaker will be their own mother language.
Seminars The seminars are designed for students in groups of 3 to make presentations of the scientific work they have previously selected in English. The aim of these sessions is for students to develop critical aspects, evaluating their own work and that of their classmates.

The teacher will always act as moderator.
Sessions will be held in class.
Lecture A theoretical presentation of the thematic blocks will be given in the classroom, during the timetable established in the academic agenda. Throughout these sessions, students are expected to actively participate.

The sessions will take place in classes and the language of instruction will be Catalan and Spanish.
Personal attention Students can ask questions directly to teachers in the classroom, by e-mail or via Microsoft Teams.