Educational guide 
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine (2009)

Other comments
PRIZES RECEIVED FOR THIS TEACHING ACTIVITY: This subject has been recognized with the URV Social Council Prize for Teaching Quality in 2012 and with the Jaume Vicens Vives Distinction from the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2013. MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT: It is not necessary to have your own photographic and audiovisual equipment. The URV's Learning and Research Resource Center (CRAI) provides this material and makes it available to students on all its campuses. TIMETABLE: The schedule should be compatible with other timetables in order to facilitate the participation and interaction of students from other courses. Just as it has been done until the implementation of the Degree in Medicine. In previous courses, virtual teaching (MS-TEAMS) has facilitated the participation of students from higher courses and from both Teaching Units. ICCAM-URV: This is a YouTube channel where you can view audiovisuals made by ICCAM students from previous courses and are available in several languages.