Educational guide 
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine (2009)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Presentations / oral communications
The oral presentation (in group) of the analysis of a scientific article related to functional foods will be evaluated.

Es valorarà la participació dels alumnes en les classes invertides, amb la generació de preguntes. 10%
Multiple-choice objective tests
The theoretical and practical content will be assessed individually through an objective test type test. 40%

The non attendance to the seminars will penalize in the final score of the subject (-0,125p for each seminar).

Other comments and second exam session

The subject's teaching languages ??will be Catalan (lectures) and English (power point material).

The assessment in the first call will correspond to the group assessment (oral presentation) and the test-type objective tests that will evaluate both the theoretical and practical content. In addition, participation in inverted classes will also be valued.

It is an essential requirement to pass the subject, to pass the evaluation scales with a 5.

Second call: If the student has an oral presentation pending, he can present himself from the pending section by revising the work according to the comments made by the teaching staff, and resubmitting it. If the student has pending the objective test-type tests, he can present himself from this section again to take a test of the same typology on the date of the exam of the second call. If the student has not appeared in the first call, the total mark will be determined by a final exam, where there will be a part of objective tests and a part where practical cases related to the contents will have to be solved of the practices.

In the assessment activities, the use or possession of communication and data transmission devices is not permitted (art.21 NAM Degree and art.20 NAM Master), in addition to the specific instructions given by the teacher. Failure to comply with this rule invalidates the assessment test.

In the event of a pandemic or health emergency that does not allow face-to-face assessment, the assessment criteria will not be affected and the tests will be conducted following the same format through Moodle.