Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (2017)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Evaluation of the theoretical content of the subject:
Synthesis test, through a multiple-choice quiz with two parts: A first part with 50 questions on the contents of the lectures (50%) and a second part with 20 questions on the contents of the practical seminars (20 %), and which will have to be overcome independently. The language of the questionnaire will be Catalan. The exam will last 90 minutes, all questions will be available from the beginning. It will be necessary to answer 90% or more of the questions asked (45 questions from the theory part and 18 from the practical part). Each correct answer adds one positive point and each wrong answer subtracts 0.25 points. If the limit of blank answers is exceeded, the same penalty criterion for negative answers will be applied (0.25 points for each blank answer). It will be necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5 out of 10 to consider the test passed and which can be averaged with the rest of the grades obtained in the subject. This test will take place within the scheduled tests during the first semester of the academic year.
Laboratory practicals
Attendance at the 4 laboratory practice seminars is MANDATORY.
At the end of each of the seminars, there will be a multiple-choice test on acquired knowledge. The evaluation of each seminar will represent 5% of the final mark of this section.

Continuous assessment tests: During the lectures scheduled in the academic calendar, there will be three partial tests of the theoretical content presented. These tests will be scheduled at the beginning of the year.

Other comments and second exam session


To pass the subject ALL assessments must be passed independently with a grade equal to or higher than 5.0. The final grade will be the sum of the grades obtained in the approved parts: partial exams (10%), evaluation of laboratory practices (20%) and synthesis or globalizing test (70%; 50 theoretical part and 20% practical part ).

Students with a final grade between 5.0-6.9 will obtain the grade of PASS; students with a final grade between 7.0-8.9 will be graded OUTSTANDING; students with a final grade equal to or higher than 9.0 will obtain the grade of EXCELLENT. Students who have obtained marks in all evaluations equal to or higher than 9.0 may opt for the qualification of HONOR REGISTRATION.


Questionnaire with 70 test-type questions with multiple choice: 50 questions on the contents of the lectures and 20 questions on the contents of the practical sessions.


The student will have to complete the test-type tests and/or the resolution of practical cases depending on the skills that he has not passed in the first call.


The exams will be held face-to-face according to the schedule of the academic agenda. Depending on the exceptional health circumstances that may arise from the COVID-19 pandemic, the assessment will be adapted to a face-to-face or virtual environment. In the event that face-to-face assessment in the classroom is not possible due to instructions from the health authorities, the format of the tests will be similar but adapted to not being present. If situations of plagiarism or impersonation are detected, the corresponding disciplinary file will be opened.


In accordance with the academic regulations, the use or possession of communication and data transmission devices will be limited during the assessment activities and must be complied with by the student. Mobile phones, tablets and other devices that are not expressly authorized by the test must remain switched off and out of sight.