Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Degree in Mathematical and Physical Engineering (2021)
Type A Code Competences Specific
 CM3 Be able to understand the importance of negotiation, effective work habits, leadership and communication skills in all aspects of software development.
 CM7 Have knowledge of, design and efficiently use the most suitable data types and structures for solving a problem.
 CM8 Be able to analyse, design, build and maintain applications that are robust, secure and efficient, choosing the most suitable paradigm and programming languages.
Type B Code Competences Transversal
 B8 Be able to work in groups and in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.
  CT4 Treballar de forma autònoma i en equip amb responsabilitat i iniciativa
 CT5 Communicate information clearly and precisely to a variety of audiences.
Type C Code Competences Nuclear