Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering (2010)
Topic Sub-topic
1- Matter: atoms. atomic models and structures. Electronic configurations of atoms and ions.
2- Electronic structure and periodic table. Periodicity of atomic properties.
3- Chemical bond: ionic bond, covalent bond. Geometry of molecules and intermolecular forces.
4- Nomenclature and formulation.
5- Quantities in chemistry: mole and molecular mass. Determination of molecular formulas. Solutions, molarity and molality.
6- Chemical reactions. Precipitation, acid-base and redox reactions.
7- Stoichiometry of the reaction: limiting reagent and yield.
8- Chemical equilibrium: mass action law, equilibrium constant, degree of dissociation, heterogeneous equilibria. Factors affecting balance.
9- Chemical kinetics: reaction speed and factors that influence the reaction speed.
10- Electrochemistry. Nernst equation.