Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering (2010)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Practical tests
Exercises and problems done during class hours. Most of those problems will be done individually unless speficied otherwise. 100%
Other comments and second exam session

The course has two calls.

In the first call, continuous evaluation, the grading will be based upon scores obtained in different tests scheduled at the beginning of the course.

Students who have failed the continuous evaluation must pass the second call exam which represents in this case 100% of the overall score.

To pass in the second examination, the student must obtain a grade higher than 5 out of 10 in an individual exam which covers all the material taught until the exam date unless specified otherwise.

Mobile phones, laptops, tablets or other electronic devices are not allowed. In case of infringing this rule, the professor will act as indicated in article 24 of the Academic and Enrollment Regulations of the URV, considering that a fraudulent action has been taken in assessment activities.