Educational guide 
School of Chemical Engineering
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Food Bioprocess Engineering (2017)
Introductory activities Presentation of the subject and evaluation criteria.
General requirements for the subject
Problem solving, exercises in the classroom Approach, development and resolution of problems related to the different parts of the subject.
Discussion of the results obtained based on real situations.
Laboratory practicals To develop (in the laboratory) different chemical analyses necessary for the correct control and elaboration of the foods.
This work in the lab implies looking for the appropriate analytical protocol in each case.
The practices also imply updating the laboratory's book and submitting a final report with the results obtained and their discussion
Lecture Theoretical presentation of the contents of the subject with the help of projections, videos and other documentation when necessary
Forums of debate Discussion (in the classroom or through on-line forums) on current issues related to composition and analysis of foods as well as with analytical procedures, some of which can be developed in the laboratory
Assignments Preparation of short tasks related to the food composition and/or to their methods of analysis
Personal attention The student can ask/discuss the diferent topics with th professors both in the classroom or out it.
In this last case it is recommended to contact the professor to ensure her/his availability.