Educational guide 
Faculty of Business and Economics
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Finances and Accounting
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Multiple-choice objective tests
It will consist of two theoretical tests with a weight of 25% each in the final grade. The test will consist of a multiple-choice exam of 25 questions (each wrong answer will subtract 25% of the mark). 50%
Practical tests
It will consist of the resolution of a practical case that will be carried out at the end of the teaching period. In order to obtain an average between the evaluative tests, the student must pass this test. 50%
Other comments and second exam session

In the second call, the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students will be evaluated through a written test of short questions (50%) and the resolution of a practical case (50%).

Obtaining a minimum grade of 5 out of 10 in the practical or theoretical part of the first call frees the student from the evaluation of this part in the second call.

During the evaluation tests, the student may not carry any type of communication, transmission and data storage device that is not expressly authorized for the test. The demonstrably fraudulent performance of any evaluative test both in material and electronic support will entail the qualification of suspense in that evaluative test.