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Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria
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Grau en Enginyeria Matemàtica i Física (2021)
Tema Subtema
Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems Overview of Statistical Mechanics: Understand the microscopic behavior of systems from the perspective of quantum mechanics and how it informs macroscopic behavior.

The Role of Statistics: Explore how statistics play a role in predicting outcomes in a system and identifying underlying patterns.

Complex Systems in Stat Mech: Study the ways complex systems can be understood using the principles of statistical mechanics, focusing on the statistical properties of systems comprised of a large number of particles.
Update on Probability Theory
Basics Refreshed: Revision of basic concepts in probability theory relevant to statistical mechanics, such as events, outcomes, and probabilities.

Bayesian Approach: Explore the Bayesian approach to probability, discussing concepts like prior probability, likelihood, and posterior probability.

Probability Distributions: Understanding the importance and application of various probability distributions like Binomial, Poisson, Normal distributions in statistical mechanics.
Ensembles Microcanonical Ensembles: Examine systems with constant energy, volume, and number of particles and explore the concept of equiprobability.

Canonical Ensembles: Study systems with constant temperature, volume, and number of particles and delve into the Boltzmann distribution.

Grand Canonical Ensembles: Explore systems with variable particle numbers and understand the concept of chemical potential.
Entropy and Thermodynamics econd Law of Thermodynamics: Understand entropy's role as a measure of disorder and its relation to the second law of thermodynamics.

Statistical Definition of Entropy: Analyze the statistical definition of entropy, including the Boltzmann, Gibbs, and Shannon entropy.

Thermodynamic Potentials: Study the different thermodynamic potentials, their definitions, and their uses in various types of ensembles.
Ising Model and Related Systems Ising Model Introduction: Introduce the Ising model as a simple model of a magnet and its applications in various fields.

Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena: Discuss phase transitions in the context of the Ising model, focusing on the concepts of critical temperature, critical exponents, and universality.

Beyond the Ising Model: Explore more complex systems and models related to the Ising model, such as the Potts model and the XY model.