Educational guide 
School of Engineering
A A 
Bach. Degree in Telecommunication Systems and Services Engineering (2016)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Practical tests
2 partial eliminatory tests of the subject, carried out during the course together with tests via moodle.

1 final test of the concepts worked on during the laboratory sessions
- 80% del total de l'assignatura

- 20% del total de l'assignatura
Other comments and second exam session

The subject is divided into 5 parts: 4 theory and one practice. Each of the parts has a weight of 20% on the note of the subject. In order to be evaluated in both the first and second call, all laboratory practices must have been performed. Attendance and upload the file with the results give a grade of 5 (out of 10) on the internship part. To qualify for a higher grade, you must take the internship exam at the end of the semester, in which case the final grade will be the grade of the internship exam. The second call will consist of a single exam in which the student will be examined of the theoretical subjects explained during the course.

- It will not be possible to use neither mobile phones nor programmable calculators in the examinations of the subject.