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Facultat d`Enologia
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Biotecnologia (2005)
   Fonts d'informació
Bàsica BRANAN, C. BRRANON, C., Rules of thumb for chemical engineers: A manual of quick, accurate solutions to everyday process engineering problems, 2ª ed, Gulf Professional Publishing Company, NY, EEUU, 1998

Complementària CARLSON, E. C., Don’t gamble with physical properties for simulations, chem. eng. prog., 92 (10), 35-46, 1996
KISTER, H. Z., Does your simulation reflect the real world?, hydrocabon processing, 103-109, agosto 1997
SOWELL, R., Why a simulation system doesn’t match the plant?, hydrocabon processing, 102-107, marzo, 1998

Bibliografia complementària:

- Cusack, R. G. Designing a separation process, Chem. Eng., 128-136, maig 1998

- Horwitz, B. A. Nocera, A. J. Are your “scotomatized” by your simulation software? Chem. Eng. Prog., 68-71, setembre 1996

- Horwitz, B. A. Avoid nausea when solving dynamic problems, Chem. Eng. Prog., 92 (3), 44-51, 1996

- Schad, R. C. Make the most of process simulation, Chem. Eng. Prog., 21-27, gener 1998

- Schad, R. C. Don’t let recycle streams stymie your simulations, Chem. Eng. Prog., 68-76, desembre 1994

Bibliografia complementària (propietats físiques):

- Agarwal, R., Li, Y.-K. Santollani, O., Satyro, M. A., Vieler, A. Uncovering the realities of simulation-Part 2, Chem. Eng. Prog., 64-72, juny 2001

- Agarwal, R., Li, Y.-K. Santollani, O., Satyro, M. A., Vieler, Uncovering the realities of simulation-Part 1, Chem. Eng. Prog., 42-52, maig 2001