Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Bachelor's Degree in Oenology (2014)
Methodologies Competences Description Weight        
Laboratory practicals
The preparation of the laboratory practicals will be evaluated through preliminary reports that must be submitted via Moodle (volume and type of reagents to be prepared, material necessary for these solutions) as well as the execution in the laboratory (suitability of the material used, questions and involvement, critical sense, time spent) and the laboratory notebook. 11'2% de la nota final (el treball realizat al laboratori, juntament amb la llibreta i els informes previs i final de les pràctiques, contaran un 40% de la nota final de pràtiques)
Forums of debate
Participation will be evaluated as well as the level and importance of the comments. This methodology is directly related to the performance of the different assignments. El seu pes a la nota final és variable: pot millorar la nota de la tasca a on es participi
Final laboratory practicals report: the basis described, the presentation of the experimental data, the calculations, the results obtained, the discussion of them and the bibliography used will be evaluated.
Editing, spelling and grammar of the text will be taken into account.
4'8% de la nota final (els informes previs i final de pràctiques, juntament amb la llibreta i el treball realitzat al laboratori, comptaran un 40% de la nota de pràctiques)
Theory assignments: the contents, sources of information consulted, suitability and presentation of the assignments will be evaluated. If the task is related to problem solving, the method followed to reach the result, the result itself and also the critical capacity in front of the results obtained will be evaluated.
Editing, spelling and grammar of the text will be taken into account.
9% de la nota final (les tasques comptaran un 15% de la nota de la part de teoria)
Mixed tests
Evaluation of the theoretical concepts covered in the master classes as well as the small calculations worked on in the same classes 51% de la nota final (els controls que es realitzin comptaran un 85% de la nota de la part de teoria)
Extended-answer tests
Evaluation of theoretical concepts and the resolution of practical problems, all of them related to laboratory practices. 24% de la nota final (aquest examen compta un 60% de la nota de pràctiques)
Other comments and second exam session


The continuous assessment will consist of assignments, controls, reports and laboratory work, as well as a practice exam. It is mandatory to perform/present all these items in order to take part in the continuous assessment

Individual completion of a task or assignment that should be done in a group will result in a 20% penalty on the final grade obtained.

The theory part counts for 60% of the final grade (85% tests and 15% assignments). The practical part counts for 40% of the final mark (60% exam and 40% [previous reports + laboratory notebook + work in the laboratory + final report]). With these percentages, the grade of the continuous assessment that constitutes the first call will be obtained (it will be averaged as long as the average of the theory tests and the grade of the practical exam are equal to or higher than 4). In order to pass the subject, the average of both parts must be equal to or higher than 5.

Students who have not passed this first call will have a second call that will consist of a final written exam for the entire subject and that will count for 100% of the grade, where there will be a part related to theory and another part related with the practices (with respective weights of 60 and 40% on the final grade). A minimum score of 4 must be achieved in each part in order to average with the other. In any case, and in order to pass the subject, the average of both parts must be equal to or higher than 5.
Only in exceptional cases where it has not been possible to attend the laboratoty practicals (and always with prior justification and acceptance by the teacher) a substitute practical exam for the evaluation of these practicals can be carried out.

Important: the use or possession of communication and data transmission devices during the tests is prohibited, except with the express consent of the teacher.

During the evaluation tests, mobile phones, tablets and other devices that are not expressly authorized for the test must be switched off and out of sight.

Demonstrably fraudulent completion of any assessment activity of any subject, both in physical and virtual and electronic support, will result in the student receiving a failing grade for this assessment activity. Regardless of this, given the seriousness of the facts, the center can propose the initiation of a disciplinary file, which will be initiated by resolution of the rector.