Educational guide 
Faculty of Chemistry
A A 
Formal Mentoring Program
1st Cycle


¿What are academic tutorials?

The academic tutoring allows you to have continuous support from a tutor, to respond to problems and needs related to your university life.

Each student has a tutor from the beginning until the end of the race.

In addition you also have other resources, such as courses and seminars with which it is intended to develop cross-cutting skills.

¿In what ways can academia tutorials be useful?

The tutoring can be useful for:

The tutor's recommendations will not be binding but you have to take them seriously, especially to prepare my curricular itinerary.

¿How are the tutorials organized?

The tutorials you will attend can be organized as follows:

You can communicate with your tutor in person and virtually.

¿Who is my tutor?

The tutor is a teacher of your degree, a teacher with knowledge in the teaching of students who tutor.

During the periods of classes the tutors will have a schedule of attention.

¿How are tutors assigned to students?

The assignment is random. In case there are problems of understanding between tutor and student there is the possibility of requesting a change.

¿When should I attend tutorials?
El Pla d'acció tutorial de la Facultat de Química

Our centre has designed and approved its Tutorial Action Plan, which defines the actions that will be carried out to provide students with the help and guidelines necessary to improve their integration into the University and their academic development.