Educational guide 
Faculty of Oenology
A A 
Fermented Beverages (2014)
Topic Sub-topic
1. Yeasts present in musts and wines: introduction and general characteristics. Factors that condition the growth and survival of yeasts and the development of FAL.
2. Metabolism of S. cerevisiae: alcoholic fermentation (FAL) and metabolism of secondary compounds. Advances and tools to optimize the process
3. Latest advances in selection of vinous yeasts and use of starter cultures. Non-Saccharomyces yeasts, natural hybrids, non-GMO yeasts.
4. Nutritional needs of yeasts and coverage in musts. Effect of the addition of nutrients. Use of inactive dry yeasts.
5. Wine aromatic substances: influence of the yeast strain and the fermentation conditions on the aromas. Origin of the alterations and defects.
6. The lipid metabolism of yeasts. Factors influencing the lipid composition of yeast in oenology. Effect on stress tolerance.
7. Tools for the study of vinous yeasts: phenotypic, molecular, transcriptomic, metabolomic, analysis, etc.